Cutting Off PDF

I am exporting PDF's and suddenly it is cutting off part of the design on the used to work great but this is a new thing.  Any ideas??  It is killing me not knowing if it is a setting or what but if I export a 21' x 4' design for example, I will open it and it will be 16' x 4' - there does not seem to be a pattern or anything, sometimes it cuts length, sometimes width.  Any help would be amazing!!

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  • "if I export a 21' x 4' design for example, I will open it and it will be 16' x 4'"

    Not absolutely certain based on your example, but it has been a fairly well known issue (when working with PDF) that you need to reduce your graphic to a size below 14' to my best recollection. I hazard to say you might be the last to learn of this as I've known of this limitation to PDF for over 10yrs. That said, your example points to 21' being reduced to 16'...not sure how that works out, as the cutoff has been 14' as far as I recall, but maybe there has been a change in that figure.

    If your work is in vector form, you will need to scale whatever you're trying to convert to pdf down to a size that will fit into a 14' x 14' square (or maybe 16' x 16' in your case)or the graphic will not be the correct size.

    Best thing to do is:

    1) Create a bounding box sized to the PDF limits(or less for best results)

    2) Scale your graphics to fit inside it

    3) Make the bounding box transparent - no outline - no fill

    4) Start a new drawing with page size set exactly to bounding box size

    5) Group your graphics and bounding box together, copy, paste and center in new drawing

    6) Select all, publish to pdf (be sure your PDF creation settings are suitable)

    7) Once PDF save completes, select "publish to PDF" again which will take you directly back to the folder it was saved in-

    right-click the file and open it with the reader of your choice to confirm success.

