Anyone else having issues with Spell Checker?

 I have Graphics users that will open a drawing and it can, and usually does, take 5 full minutes for spell checker to annotate any issues. And then, if the file is a PDF that has been pulled in, we have to check each individual line, one at a time to make the necessary changes? Is there a way to speed this up and make it more efficient?

We are running CD 7 on Windows 10 and Windows 7.

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  • And then, if the file is a PDF that has been pulled in, we have to check each individual line, one at a time to make the necessary changes? Is there a way to speed this up and make it more efficient?

    The PDF doesn't storage text as paragraf, each line will be a separate text. And CorelDRAW is not a PDF editor, when you open or import a PDF it will be converted to their internal file format. So, if the file has a lot of lines of text, it could be take several minutes. The best way to edit a PDF is with Acrobat or Corel PDF Fusion, or any similar PDF editor and pell check before import it to CorelDRAW

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