Auto numbering and converting it to curve

I am a new Corel user and i have composed a 200 page book in it, i have auto numbered the pages but when i try to curve one page number say 2, all pages get numbered as 2.

is it possible to curve the page number without affecting other numbers on all other pages. If possible please tell me with most details and steps as i am a new user.


  • Seems the auto number creates a "Master Layer" to drop in all the page numbers. You need a macro that will find and move each "Page number" from that Master Layer to each respective page "Layer 1" then delete that master layer. And then find and convert any text named "Page Number" from all pages.

    • How can i do it could you please write this in steps, i am new to corel, i know there is micros option in tools. Do i need to create my own micro?

    • the first question is.. WHY do you want to convert to curves a text on 200 pages? 

      • I want to send it for printing, the printer asked to send the cdr file without any fonts, for now what i have done is published the document to pdf after curving the font (leaving numbering) and then i again imported it to corel.
            Without curving first and exporting to pdf while selecting convert to curv from objects causes images and texts to overlap on some pages

        • Publish to pdf and in the pdf settings...

          • Convert to curves a PDF is a big mistake. And one of the most common mistakes from Corel users (that's why some PrePress companies hates Corel). The PDF allows to include fonts, it's safe, secure, and dialy used worldwide. Convert a 200 pages document could create a monster file, not only because the size. One page only with a lot of text it's fast and easy, but of you convert to curves it will be a very complex document. Imagine a 200 pages file...even if you split on 200 individual files. It could be somethng crazy, most RIP could have troubles processing it, and maybe can't process this file. 

            • Well this causes the images on some pages to shift or overlaps 

              • I am doing convert to curves before and then making pdf that is the only solution without disturbing the page numbering.

                • For a 200 page doc, I agree. Converting text will bloat the file tremendously. Often times I get files from third party in pdf format without fonts converted and I have to jump through hoops to get it get it to import properly into corel. Import with fonts converted messes 'em up. Placing onto a new illy doc can sometimes get good results. When that fails I can try and use Acrobat Pro to "optimize" the file but even that fails from time to time. As a last resort I'm forced to use photoshop to rasterize it or export/save as from Acrobat as a tif. All of which could have been avoided if the fonts were converted upon making the pdf in the first place.

                  I believe it to be the only true way to ensure the pdf can be used across multiple platforms without concern.

                  p.s. 9 times out 10 the pdf's we receive either are not the size requested or require some sort of "fixing" or spelling error etc. Or worse case scenario they include prepress marks, bleeds and crop marks. None of which we use. Just another pia to get rid of.