CorelDRAW X7 ability/ Macros

I use CorelDraw x7 paired with a laser marker to serialize parts. we may have anywhere from 50-300 parts to do in one job. In our laser marker we have a fixture that can hold 8 of the parts that need marked. Currently when marking parts we need to go into the program and change each number individually until we finish our desired amount of parts. This takes a lot of time individually changing each number counting up from 001-300 for each part and I was wondering if there was any program in CorelDRAWx7 that can do this automatically. 

Only being able to hold 8 parts that can be marked at a time is also difficult because the CorelDraw program would need to either know that the it was ran and then update itself. If someone has had some similar experience to this please let me know. 

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