Trace Success Stories

 I've been trying to use the PowerTrace function with varying (mostly disappointing) results.  I end up doing the logos by hand tracing them in Corel.   The tutorials I found have very simple examples and of course they come out great.  But trying to do something more complicated like:


 I have problems with it due to the fill.  Tired to make it B&W but that didn't go over well either.


So who is having success with complicated bitmaps and PowerTrace?



  • I have to concur with Richard and in fact there are allot of things one can do with an image to improve the trace results...

    1 Upsampling the image for better detail
    2 Some color adjustments in contrast etc
    3 Converting simple trace to 1 bit bitmaps and so on...

    Which all things you can do in DRAW and Paint.

    Hmmm this sounds like a good tutorial.. Guess I will make this my next freebie on my site...


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