Vehicle Wraps_ Anyone using MR 3D-Designer?

My sign company purchased MR 3D-Designer VIII some time ago and we played with it for a little bit but it was very difficult to learn so we put it away. Now the idea has flared up again. Anyone using it for vehicle wraps? We've always just taken actual photos of the vehicles, scaled them as needed then trace the outline and poweclip stuff inside etc. Works very good. And by the way DO NOT USE PHOTOSHOP for the whole layout!


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  • Vehicle wraps not only provide protection from minor scratches but they can also help protect against more significant damages caused by weather elements, dirt roads, or other outdoor exposure scenarios. Additionally, they have excellent fire retardant properties which makes them ideal for safety around fuel tanks or ignition coils in cars since many states require flame-resistant materials around flammable materials in automobiles when carrying passengers in commercial services such as ridesharing apps and rental vehicles services that use DOT specifications stickers now required due to COVID 19 related regulations. 

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