"Interactive" PDF with links and sources


I´m quite new on Corel designer.

I´m trying to create a kind of interactive document. The document has some pages. On page 1 I have a graphic. When I click on a specific area, I will jump to another page in the same document.
E.g. I have on page 1 a circle and on page 2 a square.

A click on the circle open page 2 and vice versa.
I define with sources on each object a bookmark (like test1 and test2).

Workflow 1:
I select on page 1 the circle. In window sources I click on New Link. In the open menu I select bookmark an the field disappear immediately with a big black ? ...

Workflow 2:
I select on page 1 the circle. In window Links and rollover I select in field Behavior Link. In URL I select _PAGE2#Test2. (Btw, a lot old bookmarks of older documents are there and I can´t delete them ???)
As long I work in the document and for the first converting to PDF everything works fine. If I close the doc and reopen it in Corel the bookmarks are marked with a red ! and the link is disappeared. Each selection in sources or Link and rollover I confirm with Enter.

What I´m doing wrong?

If you need more information, please let me know.

Thanks for your help
