Corel Designer 9 - funny problem.. well not so funny! :-(


I hope someone's out there, seems to be a lonely forum. I've owned Designer for about 15 years, think I started with version 3. Anyway, this is version 9 I am having trouble with.


Everytime I hit the save button my program shuts down, no questions asked, not even the send message to Microsoft message, nothing! It started doing this this morning. No idea why or what!

 I've un-installed Designer and re-installed it, didn't work.

Any ideas?

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  • Definitely sounds like a corruption issue. My guess would be something left over in the registry after installing. I recently had to correct the software that came with my printer. Even after multiple attempts uninstalling/reinstall I couldn't fix the issue. I finally had to go into regedit and comment out files that weren't being deleted from installing (the safest method, instead of deleting). Then I reinstalled again. This did the trick, and then I removed the older files once I was certain everything was working properly.

    Let me caution, unless you are comfortable working in regedit, find a knowledgeable friend to help. You can create serious issues in the registry and shouldn't be attempted by the merely curious!  Hopefully, someone from Corel can respond with further assistance.

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