having trouble exporting eps files out side of the work space

hi all

I am running windows 10 and corel x8

Ive Occurred an issue exporting ePS files  when i export them out side of the work space its almost like it doesn't select anything and exports a blank image .

now if i change the work space to the same size as the  file/image im wanting to export and place the said image/file inside of the work space it exports but sometimes i have to rotate the image if its too long .

this problem just magically appeared on me and i don't know how to get it back to before 

i have spoken to corel and had a 5 hour remote session with a lovely chap in Singapore to be told at the end of it that as far as he is aware you have to place the item in the workspace to be able to export .

I know this is not true as before this happened i could export my work weaver in or out in fact anywhere on the screen .

has anyone come across this before i would greatly appreciate your help 
