Default font

Why does my font keep going back to Arial 24pt. I keep changing it to to my technical 14 and even on a page that I have been using that font, it will change back. I have tried saving my workspace to correct the problem and nothing seems to work. In CD5 there was a Document page that you could set up all the fonts and bullets, etc. This is missing from 8. And don't get me started on how bad 19 is.
Also, I love to know why I have to go back to the beginning every time I open CorelDraw on the connect docker. I don't use any files other than what is on my machine and this whole system of trying to connect you to the web, etc is just annoying and time consuming to have to set it up all over again. I end up keeping the program open all the time to avoid this.

Thanks for any help,

  • There are two steps I do to change the default typeface and type size in CorelDRAW. In an open document without any text objects selected I'll click on the text tool and then select the typeface I want. That will bring up a dialog box for default settings, showing a list of the types of text objects (such as paragraph text, artistic text, etc). I click on the items I want the default to apply to and click OK. Then I repeat the process for the size of type objects. After I do that, I go to the Tools menu and click on the option "Save Settings As Default..." That usually works for me. It seems like I've had to repeat it every time I upgraded to a new version of CorelDRAW.

    • Yes,  I do that but then it just changes back. I want to know how to keep the settings as a default for all documents, every time I open the program.

    • Your approach to setting default typefaces and sizes in CorelDRAW is correct. You'll need to redo these steps with each software upgrade because new versions often reset to default settings. Saving your preferences at enfermeras guatemala as defaults and documenting them can streamline the process for future updates.

    • Are you referring to default properties that are in effect after creating a new document?

      Or are you referring to default properties that are in effect after you open an existing document?

      • Both. It has only been recently that it seems to change in the document. I always use technical and that is a Corel font from X5 and before. I notice with x8 and 19 that the font doesn't embed with the document now.
        I just don't understand why the global doc settings have disappeared. I didn't notice before because up until this week I have been using X5 and have been shy of using 19 because of how slow it is. That is another issue.

      • تعد شركات مكافحة الحشرات أحد الخيارات الرئيسية للأفراد والشركات الباحثين عن حلول فعّالة لمشكلة الحشرات. تتخذ هذه الشركات من الخبرة والتخصص في مجال مكافحة الآفات أساسًا لخدماتها. يقوم فريق الخبراء بتقديم استشارات شاملة وتحليل دقيق لنوع ومدى الإصابة بالحشرات لتحديد أفضل الطرق للقضاء عليها.تشمل خدمات شركات مكافحة الحشرات استخدام مواد آمنة وفعّالة للتخلص من الحشرات بشكل نهائي، مع مراعاة البيئة والصحة العامة. يتم تنفيذ العمليات بشكل احترافي وفقًا للمعايير الصحية والأمان، مما يضمن توفير بيئة نظيفة وخالية من الآفات. بفضل تلك الخدمات، تلعب شركات مكافحة الحشرات دورًا حيويًا في الحفاظ على الراحة والصحة العامة للأفراد والمجتمعات.

        شركة تنظيف الحشرات

        تتخذ شركة رش الصراصير مكانة رائدة في مجال مكافحة الآفات والحفاظ على بيئة خالية من الصراصير ضارة. تقدم الشركة خدماتها المتخصصة في التخلص من الصراصير بفعالية وبشكل دائم. يعتمد نجاحها على فريق من الخبراء المدربين تدريباً عالياً في مجال مكافحة الآفات، والذين يستخدمون أحدث التقنيات والمواد الآمنة للإنسان والبيئة.تتمثل مهمة الشركة في توفير حلول فعّالة لمشكلة الصراصير، سواء في المنازل أو المنشآت التجارية. يتميز البرنامج الخاص بها بالاستجابة السريعة والخدمة المخصصة والتي تتناسب مع احتياجات العملاء. بفضل خبرتها الواسعة والتفاني في تقديم خدمات عالية الجودة، تعد شركة رش الصراصير اختياراً موثوقاً للأفراد والمؤسسات الراغبة في التخلص الفعّال من مشكلة الصراصير في المناطق المختلفة.

        شركة  محاربة الصراصير

        • Hello, I dont belive we can chage the default font, Unfortunatly. When I was a bete tester I remember it being suggested. To no avail.

          These sort of Global Settings, like changing a Default, is made in the Menu/ATiools/Alternative.

          • I don't have menu/ATiools/Altenative. I have Tools/Options/Customization.
            I am now using 2023. At least is isn't as slow as the 19. I have now put templates of the pages I use together and added the "new from template" icon to my tool bar. I then saved this as my new workspace.
            At least when I open CD I can now hit the template icon and chose the one I want. All the fonts, line widths, etc. is one my template.

            • I have now put templates of the pages I use together and added the "new from template" icon to my tool bar. I then saved this as my new workspace.
              At least when I open CD I can now hit the template icon and chose the one I want. All the fonts, line widths, etc. is one my template.

              I have spent a lot of time trying to understand and work with the "Create a new document" dialog. After doing that, my conclusion was to stop using that dialog, and to instead use templates.

              You have already discovered what I consider to be the best solution for getting consistent document properties when creating new documents: creating and using templates.

              After they took away the ability to directly "browse" to select a template, I created my New from Template Browse macro to be able to do that.