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  • Creating Transparency

    How do I make the "white space" in this image transparent? And what file formats allow me to save the file with the transparency? Thank you.

  • Export JPG Transparencies Error

    I have a macro to export each page as a JPG. But there are some instances where some elements are PNG layers with transparencies and I think my export settings are causing an error. See the bottom shadow of the bottles.

    'Exports jpg
  • PhotoPaint Transparency -- how to remove?

    I'm sure I'm just being stupid about this, and I don't think I've ever had this issue in CorelDRAW, but in PhotoPaint, in trying to adjust an object's transparency, I wanted to remove transparency to start over. I select the Object Transparency tool and…

  • Exporting complex transparencies and gradient designs from CorelDraw 2020 to PDF and losing gradient colour definition

    Hello all,

    I am designing various posters and adverts for print in CMYK using the CMYK profile in CorelDraw 2020 with proof colours turned on. I often lay gradients and transparencies over jpgs and my own vector designs. I have ensured my gradient mid…

  • Why is my printer printing a light border around the CPT image in my design?

    My design is printing with a light gray border around the CPT transparency image (the guitar). This does not show up on the design or in the print preview. My phone photo attachment leaves little to be desired, but you can see the border around the image…

  • BUG: Vector Pattern with Transparency

    Have a vector pattern provided by a client. Possibly created in Illustrator. It shows properly in CDR 2020 but the transparency is gone in 2022. All of my designers see the same issue.


  • Transparency activating without wanting it to

    While working on a piece of art. No particular time. When I draw a new line, box, circle, whatever... It's transparent! I didn't make or want it transparent. I have to go and click "No transparency to make it normal or see the entire thing. Why is it…

  • Lens

    Can one apply two separate lenses on a JPG in CDR? One going east-west and the other going north-south?

  • export to pdf without background color


    want to export an image with transparency.

    To see the transparent areas I set the background color of my document e.g. cyan.

    Can I export my graphic without resetting/deleting the background color of  the document? Can't find the option in the export…

  • Shadow transparency following object transparency


    If I add linear transparency to an object that has a dropped shadow, the transparency setting doesn't affect the shadow - it stays opaque. Please, improve the shadow behaviour, so it reflects transparency properties of an object.

    I know of…

  • Strange thing happend With zoom in and out.!AisTKdeurqMZkZk3kzGs6shavEhwDA?e=0VSc3f 

    You Can se in the video a Strange Shadow appear on the layer and disappear with zoom out.

    Why? Is this a big Known problem?

  • Merge Mode - Quick select

    Hey everyone! 

    So, for my job I have to use transparencies quite often, and I'm running into a problem where I'm getting a bit frustrated by not being able to scroll quickly through the transparency merge modes and preview what it'd look like when applied…

  • Macro for find transparency doesn't work for powerclipped objects.

    I have wrote macro to find transparency but it can't find object within powerclip.

    here is my code.

    Function FindTransparency2()
    Dim s As Shape
    Dim sr As ShapeRange
    Dim n As Long
    n = 0
    Set sr = ActivePage.FindShapes.All
    n = n + CountMergeMode(sr)

  • "Transparent" selection behaviour


    Normally if I have a bitmap with some part completely transparent it gets selected even if I click at the transparent area within bounds. I'm thinking if it's possible to change that behaviour so if I have an opaque object underneath it'll get…

  • [US] PNG Image Border Artifacts / [BR]Artefatos em bordas de imagem PNG



    I am facing a problem with exporting vectors as PNG images in CorelDRAW (the problem occurs in several versions of corel and is something old that I deal with).

    It always happens at the edges of any vector element that I created.…

  • Any way to simulate ink transparency ?

    I'm working with spot colors, to prepare Screenprinting, Lino engraving, ...

    In the printing process, the inks are somehow transparent. And I would like to simulate this on screen. To see the effect of overlaps.
    Without adding transparency to the…

  • Transparency problem with colors

    Hello, I have problem with Transparency. Whenever I use transparency, results(exporting jpg or pdf) becoming like in the picture below. 

    (For picture I used color proof option) (Proof color is Coated FOGRA39)

    I dont know what other information I should…

  • Transparencies for Outlines?

    So sometimes Corel will make an object with an outline transparent and sometimes it wont. I just discovered a filter or tool within the transparency menu that allows you to choose whether to affect the object's outlines or not, but it seems to do nothing…

  • Radial transparency issue


    I experience an issue with radial transparency. I want to make a circle with radial transparency gradient but the "transparent end" is not completely transparent. You can see it in the screenshot with circle and perfectly white rectangle for comparison…

  • Transparent fills on master pages?CorelDrawq

    I'm having a problem , well two of them, with trying to add a transparency to a master page.  The transparency "takes" if I have it on page 1, for example, but if I try to use the same filled rectangle on the master page, the transparency won't set…

  • Paste png image from clipboard with transparency

    When copy to clipboard transparent png image on website, and than paste it in Photo-Paint... I loose transparencies which became black ... how to preserv it?

    Thank you.... for solution... :-)

    Original website image


    Pasted image in Photo-Paint with…

  • Colour mode conversion without lose transparency

    Hello, does anybody know how to convert RGB image to CMYK image in Photo-Paint, but without losing TRANSPARENCY. When I try to convert image with transparency parts, Photo-paint merge object with backgroud and trasnparency become white. 

  • How do I use a greyscale image to change the photographic edges on an image

    I have a color image, which I would like to put on a website. Instead of just a rectangular image, I want to change edges in order to make it look more artistic. I have been looking for videos on Youtube on how to do it, but found nothing. Supposedly…

  • How to make letters and ellipses on a black rectangle transparent?

    Hi im trying to create a black background with some letters located in a table and a few circles on it, which are supposed to be transparent on the foil, which is going to be printed. 

    In the picture you can see exactly what i want to create.

    What i tried…

  • How to set transparent background in Photo Paint 8

    In Photopaint 8, how do I set a transparent background.

    For example, see this image: .

    I masked and deleted an area, and the result is orange. I want it to be transparent. I have looked in…

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