Why doesn't this code work for X7?

Sub DimensionsToFTNew()
Dim sr As New ShapeRange, s As Shape
For Each s In ActivePage.FindShapes(Type:=cdrLinearDimensionShape)
sr.Add s
s.Dimension.Linear.Units = cdrDimensionUnitFT
Next s
End Sub

No Data
  • I've tested it out with the example code and tried to find some work around... but sadly no luck. Seems programmatically setting the units for linear dimensions is bugged? Always seems to inherit the default settings.

    Best I could think of was breaking the dim and converting the text manually. Not ideal but might get you out of manually converting loads of dimensions.

    Sub LDConverter()
        'Converts mm dims to feet
        ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
        Dim SR As ShapeRange, S As Shape
        Dim GROUPER As Shape
        Dim TS As Shape, Str As String, Conv As Double
        Dim TXC#, TYC#
        For Each S In ActivePage.FindShapes(Type:=cdrLinearDimensionShape)
            Set TS = S.Dimension.TextShape
                If Right(TS.Text.Story, 3) = " mm" Then
                    Set SR = S.BreakApartEx
                    Str = TS.Text.Story
                    TXC = TS.CenterX
                    TYC = TS.CenterY
                    Conv = CDbl(Left(Str, Len(Str) - 3))
                    Conv = Round((Conv * 0.00328084), 1)
                    TS.Text.AlignProperties.Alignment = cdrNoAlignment
                    TS.Text.Story = Conv & " ft"
                    TS.SetPositionEx cdrCenter, TXC, TYC
                    SR.Add TS
                    Set GROUPER = SR.Group
                End If
        Next S
    End Sub