Using CorelScriptTools GetFont leaving the Italic boolean undefined in corelDraw vba

I am having a problem with the CorelScriptTools getFont calling up the windows font dialog. Everything seems to work great, except for the Italic Boolean says it is True, but when I test for it, it will not trigger either the false or true statements and goes right to the else statement, worse when I use it to trigger the Italic when creating artistic text, it produces just regular text. 

Any help would be appreciated! The code is below!

Dim FontName$, PtSize&, Wt&, ItalicTxt As Boolean, underl As Boolean, StrkOut As Boolean
Dim myRed&, myGreen&, myBlue&, RegBold As Boolean

Sub SetFontVal()
'you must set the corelscripttool as an object and then the other variables
Dim cst As Object, ChsFont As Boolean, col As Boolean

'this sets the object to corel script tools
Set cst = CorelScriptTools

'You need a boolean variable to access the corel script tools object
'in order to assign the variable using the windows font dialog
ChsFont = cst.GetFont(FontName, PtSize, Wt, ItalicTxt, underl, StrkOut, myRed, myGreen, myBlue)

'Test for values
MsgBox "Font Name: " & FontName & vbCrLf & "PtSize: " & PtSize & vbCrLf & "Wt: " & Wt & vbCrLf & "Italic: " & ItalicTxt & vbCrLf & _
"UnderL: " & underl & vbCrLf & "StrikeOut: " & StrkOut

'You need a boolean variable to access the corel script tools object
'in order to assign the variable using the windows color dialog
col = cst.GetColor(myRed, myGreen, myBlue)

'converts a number to bold true or false
If Wt < 700 Then
RegBold = False
'lblBold.Caption = "No"
MsgBox "Text is not bold"
RegBold = True
'lblBold.Caption = "Yes"
MsgBox "Text is bold"
End If

Select Case ItalicTxt

Case True
'lblItalic.Caption = "True"
MsgBox "Italic is true!"

Case False
'lblItalic.Caption = "False"
MsgBox "Italic is false!"

Case Else
'lblItalic.Caption = "Undefined"
MsgBox "Italic is undefined!"

End Select

Select Case underl
Case True
MsgBox "Underline is true!"

Case False
MsgBox "Underline is false!"

Case Else
MsgBox "Underline is Undefined!"

End Select

Select Case StrkOut
Case True
MsgBox "Strikeout is true!"

Case False
MsgBox "Strikeout is false!"

Case Else
MsgBox "Strikeout is Undefined!"

End Select

Set cst = Nothing

End Sub