Access docker's buttons from other application


I created a docker for X7 with two buttons.

It works fine. (Thanks to bonus630. Great project).

Please could you explain or point me to other previous topic about :

1. How to check from other application if the docker is installed?

2. How to start or close the docker from other application?

3. How to press one of the buttons from other application?

Thank you in advance

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  • When you say 'other application' can it be any type of application?

    For instance, in the next VBS code, you can see how to solve the first two issues. Of course, you must know the docker guide.... In the following example I use my docker guide.

    If the guide does not belong to any installed docker the code does not return any error... You can find the guide in AppUI.xslt: (in bonus630   47 line): check="*Docker('f3f09ab3-a8b6-4400-9152-62ffbe93ecb5')"

    dim drawApp, Found
    Set drawApp = CreateObject("CorelDraw.Application")
    drawApp.Framework.ShowDocker "f3f09ab3-a8b6-4400-9152-62ffbe93ecb5"
    if drawApp.FrameWork.IsDockerVisible("f3f09ab3-a8b6-4400-9152-62ffbe93ecb5") = true then
      msgbox "Docker installed"
      Found = true
      msgbox "Docker not installed"
    end if
    if Found then drawApp.FrameWork.HideDocker "f3f09ab3-a8b6-4400-9152-62ffbe93ecb5"
    set drawApp = nothing

    Pressing the buttons is a little more difficult...
