Corel don't set APPUI.xslt data value to my "own dependency property" in wpf

If I build a new wpf control and add it to coreldraw everything goes well, but if I use a previously used control and add new properties, coreldraw does not set the values defined in appui.xslt for the properties in my wpf control, I can provide more details if needed

No Data
  • for example, I have an older project like, when trying to change some control property today using APPUI.xslt I can't, if you look at the file in this project the width was changed, but If I try to change another property now it won't work

    <itemData guid="efc02df4-8eb5-44b5-8016-1c495af1504e" type="wpfhost"


    enable="true" icon="guid://bffeb385-4c48-4fa9-b285-3d32e81030a9" width="326"/>

    I created new wpf controls with .net framework settings like this project and it works
