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  • Outline Width

    I had a simple macro in Corel 2020 to toggle the outline on and off. Since I updated to 2023 I've been getting a weird bug.

    If there is no outline, it's creating an outline in inches. instead of 0.5pts default. What am I missing?

    Sub Toggle…
  • Scale Outlines

    Is there a way to scale outline size when changing the size of the curve? In previous versions, there was a scale outline checkbox, but I don't seem to be able to find a way to do this now. I really want to keep it a curve, and not convert the line to…

  • Outline Size Changing

    My outline size has changed from 2.0 to 8.33. But; the line itself has not changed. And if I make a new line, and give it a value of 2.0. It's smaller than the 2.0. I have to give it the outline size of 8.33 to match the old 2.0. It's like outline size…

  • Outline Width is stuck on 8.33

    Outline Width is stuck on 8.33. My line width choices had .5, .75, 1.0, 1.5. Now only allows 1 point at a time. But does not change. Again stuck at 8.33. But drawings lines have stayed at original size. Line width want change. Don't know what to do. HELP…

  • contour has no visible color and thickness?

    When i create a contour with this code. I see the contour only in wireframe mode. 
    What i do it wrong?
    Iwould like to have a red thin outline. And also would like break appart this outline.

                corelApp.ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrUnit…
  • Thick and thin lines for isometric view COREL Designer

    I am watching a video from Corel about getting started with Technical Suite.

    In isometric view there is this option for thick and thin lines in ellipses' outlines but I cant find it in my UI. What is the name of this, to look for it, or is it not available…

  • Feature Request: Instantly display changes in outline width for better user productivity


    I think that one of the following behaviours could be implemented into the quick Outline Pen tool for more comfort and ability to quickly preview outline width and change decision on the fly:

    1) The outline width of a selected object updates immediately…

  • Instantly display changes in outline width for better user productivity


    I think that one of the following behaviours could be implemented into the quick Outline Pen tool for more comfort and ability to quickly preview outline width and change decision on the fly:

    1) The outline width of a selected object updates immediately…

  • Outline w/ no Fill Color Crashing CorelDraw | For Each Shape Selected Convert Outline to Object

    If there is an independent Outline with no "Fill" color assigned. The code below crashes CorelDraw.

    It works as long as a "Fill" color is assigned.

    Seems as if it needs the Fill to consider it a shape?

    What am I missing?

    Sub outlineObjectTest…

  • Right-click on colour swatch no longer default edits the shape outline?

    Hi Everyone, I've recently upgraded from CorelDRAW 2018 to CorelDRAW 2020. 

    In CD2018 if I had a shape / vector selected and I right-clicked on a colour swatch this would automatically apply this swatch to the outline of the object (or apply an outline…

  • How to make doublelines for cutting out sticker?

    I want to know how to draw double lines to show width of a thick line in the sticker? Thick lines won't work because the output would be just a single line. Is there anyway to convert a single thick line into two hairline? Thank you.

  • Scale with image and Calligraphy feature and not working for outlines. Affecting integrity of outline.

    I "must" have the ability to resize my text at will, but not worry about the outline distorting/stretching as soon as "scale with image" is selected with "default calligraphy setting". "Scale with image", along with "default" for the calligraphy properties…

  • outline pen

    hello can somone help me i have to do somthing like that can someone tell me how? 

  • Powerclip onto an Outline?

    Is there any way in any version of CorelDraw to make it so that a powerclip covers the outline, not just the fill? Specifically, we sometimes will powerclip a bitmap overlay onto text, but we want it to cover the fill and the text's outline at the same…

  • Contour Cutting Tool - CutBuddy


    I just wanted to share a macro for CorelDRAW 2018 that speeds up my print & cut work by a lot.

    I've attached a Zip-file containing the GMS and a workspace file.

    It takes all the outlines on the page and puts them in a named layer.
    If the…

  • Import eps, dxf, dwg

    Can one change the default line width, color, etc. on imported eps, dxf, and dwg files?

    When I import them, they always appear with .193 mm width, rgb, scale with object characteristics, etc. How may one change the default import?

  • How to make an outline to a thick one line curve?

    Is this possible:

    I have a C-shaped one line curve with 120 px line thickness. I would like to make exactly this curve object as an object with an editable outline and a fill-in color area (like a default rectangular).

    I tried an Intersect with a rectangular…

  • How to make an outline to a thick one line curve?

    Is this possible:

    I have a C-shaped one line curve with 120 px line thickness. I would like to make exactly this curve object as an object with an editable outline and a fill-in color area (like a default rectangular).

    I tried an Intersect with a rectangular…

  • How to create an outline on an image/clipart

    Hi there! I'm very new to all of this an have been struggling a little with one thing in particular. How the heck to I create an outline around an image, without having to hand draw it? Or is that even an option? Essentially what I am wanting to do is…

  • Text Outline tool - I swear I had it in previous versions.

    Is there an effective way to add a text outline while creating text? In DRAW it is obvious.  Thanks

  • Corel Draw SE X8 outline problem


    I've bought Corel Draw SE instead of my X7. I'm really disappointed, because I can't find some of the outline settings.

    I've created a simple rectangle in X7

     << this is X7

    After opening it in SE - the setted outline inside…

  • My BIGGEST wish for CorelDraw X9 right now. Just this one little thing. Please. I beg you.

    I'm learning that one of the hardest things to illustrate digitally is ... wait for it... wait for it...


    Every time I try, with either coreldraw or illustrator, they both fail miserably.
    If you want to make it a thousand times easier…

  • Outline when moving objects

    When I select an object and move it, shouldn't I see an outline of it as I am moving it so that I know exactly where that object will end up before I let go of it? I know this was the case in earlier versions of Corel Draw.....

  • texture on outlines

    Is there a way to put a texture on an outline? I created a large circle and want to add a texture fill to the outline.


  • Outline corners of curve (former rectangle) points are fixed to bevel

    To reproduce this behavior: create a rectangle, add some corner radius to all 4 points (or convert it to curves and add some fillet to all 4 points). Now add some point on a straight segment and move it away from the figure. The corner is fixed to bevel…

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