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  • Re: Outline colour in PhotoPaint

    Is it possible to add an outline for an editable text layer? So the outline updates when the text is edited.

  • Macro Monday: Shelby's QuickFill/Outline

    Today's macro, Shelby's QuickFill/Outline doesn't just have one function, it has a number of different functions related to fills and outlines. You can select all objects with the same fill color easily and you can even move them all to the same…
  • Thursday Tip: Fillable Outlines

    In CorelDRAW, an outline is only allowed to have a solid color. If you want something fancy like a fountain fill, you can't apply it to an outline.

    But this is CorelDRAW and there is a way to do almost anything. Select the object with the outline you…
  • Re: Items not adressed in SP1

    drop shadow on artistic text + outline + behind fill

    acts as if the text has no fill...meaning only the outline portion receives a drop shadow.

    if i convert the text to curves first, then apply the outline, and select "behind fill"  the subsequently…

  • Re: Drop shadows on keylined text

    anyway, this bug only happens if you use the "Behind Fill" option. A workaround is dont't use behind fill, and to create a duplicate without outline in front of the original text (press the + key in the numeric keypad). It's only happens with text, does…

  • Re: Drop shadows on keylined text

    Chris said:

    Has any body noticed that when you dropshadow text with a keyline that the shadow only appears on the keyline?

    The fix is to use the contour tool.

    Another bug?


    Yes, it was a bug about this. You need to install the ServicePa…

  • Converting text to outlines

    Can anyone help instruct me how to convert text to outlines within Corel?  Is it the same as converting to curves?  Thanks! 

  • Outline where there should be none?!

    Hi everyone,

    I'm brand new to X3, just upgraded from 12. I noticed that there is something odd going on with the display of regular shapes on this version. For example, if you draw a black shape over a dark red background, you can see a very fine white…

  • How to know the style of outline of an import shape?

    I import an *.AI file or other file created by other software to coreldraw. The file includes a dashdotted curve, such as 5 point dashlength,5 point gaplength. The result displayed by coreldraw is correct. But in VBA the style of the curve is wrong. The result…

  • Folded Curves

    Hi Guys, 


    I'm trying to rebuild a logo in CorelDraw, and I'm having troubles with it creating a hole when the object is folded over itself. 


    Can anyone help me? The curve is closed, and it's one object that loops around like a figure 8. I…

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