Interest in third party tools for CorelDRAW?

[This is being posted to Mac, Windows and app forums as it relates to both - apologies for the duplication]


When Corel announced that CorelDRAW was returning to macOS, I was personally super-excited to see this for several key reasons (which I wrote about in this article: CorelDRAW is gracing macOS again - and why this is important).

This is not an advert, but I feel it's an important brief background. Astute Graphics is known in the Adobe Illustrator world, since 2006, as developers of plugins for professional users. Many of the world's largest brands rely on us as well as many, many freelance designers and everyone inbetween. We serve varied sectors including branding, architecture, fashion, sign making, gaming and more.

The tools we currently produce for Adobe Illustrator allow users to gain very high-level control of Bezier profile (drawing and editing), positioning, effects, stroke variable widths and more.

Some of this functionality will already be in CorelDRAW. But what core drawing and editing functionality are Corel customers seeking that they feel would be suitable via a 3rd party option. And yes, I acknowledge everything should be there natively in the single purchased core product, but reality doesn't always allow this.

Finally, in Astui, we now also have the building blocks that allow us to produce much more advanced tools and functions. These include Boolean (add, subtract, divide vector shapes), Offset Paths, Variable Stroke Widths and many more. Even though well-developed technologies such as Boolean and Offset are within Corel - hence it being the key competitor to Illustrator - it's essential to have full access to these underlying technologies in order to build exciting tools such as Long Shadow, Path Reshape and more.

Excitingly, Astui can be deployed as a web API allowing online tools such as to benefit. Equally, having this toolbox allows Astute Graphics to build new tools quicker and based on 7+ years of technical development.

So - are extensions applicable to a wide range of users welcome to Corel users as they are in Adobe's world?

I'd love to understand what you think,


  • Hi Astute,

    I am really fan of your products on AI at the Windows side since 2006. You added very good capable to Adobe Illustrator and that is very good see you CorelDRAW side

    CorelDRAW users needs a lot of features but i want to start current "macros". You should take a look some powerfull macros on CorelDRAW they are below


    Few most wanted macros come with CorelDRAW as integrated modules but we need more.

    • Secondly users want to quick effects and non-destructive tools as below that does not exist still
    • More effective Bevel tool (as adobe)
    • Vector or Bitmap Feather
    • Non-destructive corners (each node/point)
    • Channels Preview real time (CMYK+Spot)
    • Serial Barcod / QR CodeProducer
    • Data Merge with image files
    • Nesting
    • And almost all of Astute Prodcuts

    I will put more when i remember more.

  • Apologies for the delay in responding due to travels. However, your feedback was fantastic and really useful. All noted.

    One small aspect that interests me is that you refer to current third party solutions as "macros". It could simply be differences in terminology, but do you see current additions to CorelDraw is being relatively smaller, script-like solutions or full-on additional functionality as Astute Graphics always aims for with its current Illustrator plugins?
