PDF presets

hi, my pdf file is bigger than original Corel document after publishing PDF with preset PDF/X-4:2010. I did everything like last time created PDF, but got different result. What's wrong?

Parents Reply
  • If the file size is bigger after exporting in PDF with preset x-4:2010. something is wrong with software I think. It is not matter of Explorer. I worked with Corel for several years, and for the first time I have problem like this.

    CorelDraw does a very good job compressing its own file format, so the fact that a CDR is pretty much equal to the size of a PDF is not unusual.

    But I guess the main reason why the PDF is bigger may be because you are using effects in Draw that aren't compatible with PDF, or the PDF/X-4 format.
    Transparencies should be accepted in PDF/X-4 but I don't know if there are other things that aren't.
    If so, it forces Draw to convert these effects to bitmaps, which increases the file size.
