Coreldraw and CGM web 2.0

What Corel programs can open/create CGM Web 2.0 files?

Coworkers have Corel Designer from years ago and can do it. 

I have Coreldraw v24 and cannot. 

Thank you

  • CorelDraw by default I believe is CGM 2.0

  • WebCGM 2.0 file export is supported exclusively in Corel DESIGNER, the technical illustration application that is included with CorelDRAW Technical Suite.

    WebCGM 2.x (and its various flavors/derivatives, such as WebCGM 2.0, 2.1, S1000D) is typically used in context of technical publications which is the domain of CorelDRAW Technical Suite and Corel DESIGNER, with its dedicated functionality to create technical illustrations (from scratch, or through repurposing 3D Engineering files). 

    Have a look at this comparison to see what other functionality is provided with CorelDRAW Technical Suite on top of what CorelDRAW Graphics Suite provides: