Can you curve an object along a path?

I want to take an object and curve it along a path - similar to the way you can have text follow a curve. Is that possible?


  • yes, duplicate the shape, use blend tool to create a blend between the shapes, the top blending tools should have an option for New Path, then another option to Blend along full path.

    • Thanks. Haven't used Blend before and just not getting the results I expected. If I make an ellipse, I can't get curved results when choosing that as my new path.

      • drop a snip here so we can see what you have

        • So I placed the Rickenbacker logo (1); Duped it (2); and Blended (3). Could not get it along the ellipse


          • Blend is not going to help here. Blend is only if all the shapes are the same. If you can find the font you'd be golden but....

            You have no choice but to manually place each in place

            • Thanks for all your help Myron. Unfortunately, like many product logos, there is no exact font equivalent.

          • I would try an envelope.

            Then I would cuss and throw things because I'd only be able to get it *almost* right but maybe you'll have better luck :)