CorelDraw 2021 very slow on certain attribute changes

I experience CorelDraw 2021 being very slow on attribute changes such as fill color, fill type, line width, line type, line color, all transparency attributes, etc.

E.g. changing a line width, after picking the object, and clicking the line width drop down, it takes 10..15 sec just for the drop down to appear. Then picking the desired line width it takes another 10..15 seconds for the new line width to apply. Thus, applying a transparency mode, fill type and percentage takes around a minute. It does not happen always, but more often than not. It seems not to happen with very small files, but I haven't figured out yet what triggers it.

Drawing, changing shapes, moving objects, zooming etc is all very fast.

I am using Win 10 on a HP Z-Station (Xeon Octacore processor, 64 GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro M5000 graphics card). Hardware performance should not be an issue.

Has anyone an idea whether this behaviour can be improved?

Thanks for any ideas,


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  • Look at the date of this thread I'm a bit late to the party; though I had been having an almost identical issue for a number of years.

    I found out my issue was tied to using Symbols, and it just clobbered my machine.  For years I'd been using Symbols without issue, including having a symbol library so that I could make the changes in one place.

    I went through a file and unlinked all the symbols, but there was no change.  I then reverted all symbols to objects and performance came back to what I expected.

    I'm not entirely happy about the "fix", since I'm maintaining multiple files that should have some of the same objects across all of them.

    Hopefully, this helps other folks that are looking at the same issue.

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