Is it possible to delete multiple object styles?

I'm working with older Corel documents. Some are many pages. The drawings have maybe over 100 object styles within them. Is there a way to remove all of them without creating a new document and copying the drawings? I can't import because all of the styles come back. Thanks. 

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  • Hi,

    Trying to delete all object styles is ridiculously insane!

    You can try this maneuver. A little bit tricky but it works. You'll have to consider that this might be a tedious process but in time, it will be resolved.
    I've lived this living hell months ago. With the BETA team, we've come up with a solution.

    Many object styles tend to slow down CorelDRAW to an impossible level!

    • Create an BRAND NEW CorelDRAW file
    • Locate the file, where you saved it and rename the file to .ZIP file.
    • Open the zipped file. From there you 'll notice all the elements that compose your CDR file.
    • Locate de Styles folder. In this folder you should find a .CDSS file.
    • Extract this file and save to a folder of your liking.
    • You can delete the .ZIP file.

    • Locate the .CDR file you want to 'correct'. (you can copy this file for safety reasons, if you like)
    • Rename the file to .ZIP file.
    • Open the zipped file. Locate de Styles folder. In this folder you should find a pretty heavy .CDSS file.
    • Delete the .CDSS file and replace with the new .CDSS file you extracted from the other .ZIP file of the FIRST STEPS
    • Once the new .CDSS file is now in the .ZIP file, close it and rename it back to .CDR
    • Try your new corrected file.

    This procedure works. We haven't found a more faster or risk free way of solving this issue.

    There exists a macro that coreect this but when there are too many styles saved in the file, CorelDRAW freezes and crashes.

    Good luck!
