Is it possible to delete multiple object styles?

I'm working with older Corel documents. Some are many pages. The drawings have maybe over 100 object styles within them. Is there a way to remove all of them without creating a new document and copying the drawings? I can't import because all of the styles come back. Thanks. 

  • The drawings have maybe over 100 object styles within them. Is there a way to remove all of them without creating a new document and copying the drawings?

    You could try using macros:

    Sub delete_all_styles()
    Dim styleThis As Style
        For Each styleThis In ActiveDocument.StyleSheet.Styles
        Next styleThis
    End Sub
    Sub delete_all_stylesets()
    Dim stylesetThis As Style
        For Each stylesetThis In ActiveDocument.StyleSheet.StyleSets
        Next stylesetThis
    End Sub

    Those would go after, respectively, top-level styles and top-level style sets in the document.

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