How can I remove an object's fill?

I applied a fill to an object (a closed path). I am unable to remove the fill.  

I select the object. I activate the Interactive Fill Tool from the toolbar. When I click the "Remove the fill" button on the contextual toolbar across the top, nothing happens. The object is not locked.

In the "Objects" inspector, when I right-click to delete items that are not locked, again nothing happens. Using the Trash icon at the bottom of the inspector sometimes works, but not always.

These banal tasks should be simple and intuitive, so I am wondering if I am not dealing with bugs (and yes, I realize that maybe I am doing something wrong). The documentation and tutorials I could find were based on the Windows version.  But you can imagine what goes through a new user's mind having used several other apps: is CD on macOS a viable option?

Being able to see only one inspector window at a time is also very inefficient.

Is anyone else feeling my pain?

Thank you all!

  • P.S.: Picking "No Outline" from the dropdown menu next to the eyedropper in the "Color" inspector removes the outline. However, the "No Fill" option from the same menu has no effect.

  • I haven't run in to this issue with the Mac version, but was just looking at mine here.  Sounds like when you select the object and left click the "no fill" or "remove fill" button on the top of the color pallete that it does not remove the fill and make the object transparent?  

    As I was looking here, I'm guessing you don't have anything powerclipped inside the object?

    Also, If you right click the object, I notice an item that says "Overprint fill".  That's not checked is it? 

    I'm not sure if this helped you any but thought I would try.  Not sure how many of us Mac CDR users there are out there?

  • make sure that the opcion "treat objects as filled" is not active (the last icon on the Property bar)