rotation macro - edit please

Sub RotateObjectClockwise2()
Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange
Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange
ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrCenter
'object center rotation is object selection only
OrigSelection.RotateEx 2, centerX:=0, centerY:=0
End Sub

this macro is working, but it is not rotating itself, please someone help

similarly rotate counterclockwise 

No Data
  • Sub RotateObjectClockwise2()
    Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange
    Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange
    ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrCenter
    'object center rotation is object selection only
    OrigSelection.RotateEx 2, centerX:=0, centerY:=0
    End Sub

    Where did you get this code?

    As I have written before, instead of just posting code that doesn't work, you should describe what you want to accomplish. Don't expect people to guess what you are trying to do; tell them!

    Instead of OrigSelection.RotateEx 2, centerX:=0, centerY:=0

    you could try using OrigSelection.Rotate 2.
