select nodes easy as in Illustrator


I enjoy using CorelDraw a lot more than Illustrator, but what I really miss is how to choose nodes by the shape tool.
Without having to choose before with the select tool.
Is there any way to take the mouse and choose just directly for example the left half of of the nodes of an object? Probably not.

Another option for me would be to choose a macro by 1 click, when I have chosen before an object with the select tool, and this macro does:

- choose the shape tool
- select all nodes of the before selected object

In this way I could at least just select an object and in the second step directly all nodes. When you choose a lot of objects and nodes, the CorelDraw usability is here not the best.

Any ideas?

  • What about under Customization > All > Nodes ?

    Assign a shortcut key to that and select all nodes on however many objects selected.
    add that to your workflow

    Another thing about that with multiples selected in node mode

    One object will be blue and the others red

    Select one node from each or whatever

    Using the cursor keys, only the blue node(s) move and the red do not
    if only red object selected, nodes do not move at all

    only works if its combined

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