CorelDraw 2024 Crash when exporting to PSD file

There are two ways to reproduce the crash:

1) Record a Macro that will Export a file to PSD with Transparency check set on in 'Convert To Bitmap' dialog.

    Go to File -> Export a file to PSD and click export and set Transparency check set off in 'Convert To Bitmap' dialog.

     Now run the macro. CorelDraw crashes.

2) Go to File -> Export a file to PSD and click export and set Transparency check set off in 'Convert To Bitmap' dialog.

     Run the following script which sets the Transparency check on:

     IVGStructExportOptionsPtr pVGStructExportOptionsPtr = m_pApp->CreateStructExportOptions();
     m_pApp->ActiveDocument->ExportEx( _T("C:\\Temp\\TestFile.psd"), cdrPSD, cdrAllPages, pVGStructExportOptionsPtr, nullptr );

     CorelDraw crashes or exported file locked (with Transparency turned off)

Any Idea?

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