CD 2024 not working properly - More info


The following is a précis of the problems I have experienced on a daily basis using a new version of Corel Draw 2025 purchased from you some 6 weeks ago.

Generally the programme is exceptionally slow in all operations which renders it unusable for professional CAD work.

I have now installed my old version of CD 2018 on the new computer and it is racing away and working better than it ever did, and certainly much better than CD 2024!!

So far Corel Draw has not been able to explain these strange occurrences and neither do they seem very concerned.

I urge you to work on these problems with a view to getting it fixed.

OR send me new software OR return my purchase fee with compensation for loss of business whilst experiencing these problems.

Here follows a précis of daily occurrences whilst trying to use the new software.


Try to open a document created in CD 2018 recently.

Takes about 3 mins to load as the images appear randomly and gradually on the screen.


When fully loaded I try to scroll page ‘Up/Down’ but it only moves after several seconds delay.

The same applies to Zoom ‘In/Out’ but this takes many minutes to achieve a result.

Again the images appear randomly and gradually on the screen.

I have discovered that during this lengthy process, by repeatedly ‘left clicking’ on mouse the process is speeded up slightly.

Select object for resizing.

Select ‘Scale with Object’ and random lines within the object will increase in size before dragging the nodes to resize the object.


Select document on taskbar and click the small ‘X’ within the box.

Dialogue ‘do you want to save changes‘ etc. Click ‘yes’.

After about 3 mins. The document disappears and a grey screen comes up.

No indication of what is going on. This grey screen can stay for hours.

In the end the only way out is ‘ctrl- alt-del’.


Select Corel Draw and open, ‘crash report’ comes up. Click ‘cancel’.

Then a ‘found unsaved documents, do you want to save changes’ message appears.

Click ‘yes’ and blank desktop appears with four documents on the ‘task bar’.

All of these docs’ are old and have not been worked on lately!

Close each one in turn which takes about 15 mins.

I can now work on the doc. I wanted in the first place.

After the protracted closing process I find that, on opening at the next session, those changes to the doc. have not been saved!!

Chris’ Moxham
