Can I lock some layer to don't let it flip.

Graphic designer on my team have problem when flip many layer at same time and sometime text and logo we forgot to flip again to make it original, I know this is user qc error but is there any tool in CorelDRAW that can lock one or more layer that don't let it flip when crop select many layer around and include it. We try to use lock but it can't let we move or resize, I want to specific lock only for flip (or automatic flip it again if this layer had flip)

  • I wonder if Selection Groups could be an option?

    Select all the objects that you want to include, which can be all text objects for example.
    Press Ctrl+ one of the number keys on the ordinary keyboard (not numeric keypad).
    This will create a virtual group that can be selected by pressing that number at any time, but this time without Ctrl.
    You could then Lock the group if you like and easily select all the other objects and flip.

    But if I understand what you are saying, you actually want to include all objects when flipping, but you don't want the individual text objects to be mirrored, right?
    In the case I think we need a macro that will allow individual objects to be flipped inside a multiple selection.
    You have a macro that can do it, Eskimo, or am i wrong?

    If you have such a macro, zeuswithcabonara, then the steps would be like this:

    1. Select all objects that you know you don't want to be mirrored when flipping "all objects".
    2. Create a Selection Group by pressing for example Ctrl+1.
    3. Select all objects and flip them.
    4. Select the Selection Group by pressing "1".
    5. Run the macro that will flip all selected objects individually.

  • In the case I think we need a macro that will allow individual objects to be flipped inside a multiple selection.
    You have a macro that can do it, Eskimo, or am i wrong?

    My "Adjust Objects; Retain Positions" macro can flip multiple selected objects, while retaining the position of each object.

    It might help if the OP could show "before and after" pictures to give a better idea of what they are trying to accomplish.

  • This is our nowaday example process from left to right 1 2 3 4. real work is mix between png and text

    1. pic 1-2 flip all at once

    2. pic 2-3 flip only text and logo to their original form

    3. pic 3-4 add - in Angle of rotation to make it same angle (but for some text or logo can't do this because of font and alignment style need to manual adjust)

    The problem is when some decal that have around 20 logo and text combine. When we flip and sometime our graphic forgot to flip some text or logo because in picture 2 the text that got flip is align well that make my graphic overlook it that make our work flaw. The solution from ronny that group text and logo and immediately flip again might be work. And our graphic try to use "Adjust Objects; Retain Positions" it work well. But if you have better idea, please tell me best regards to you and Ronny Axelsson

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