Typing text has black back ground. Just like this TEST until I deselect it then it returns to normal.
This is not set in the back ground options for text.
It happens to all fonts.
It happens to artistic text and paragraph text.
It happens with new default workspace.
Video file Video showing text black background issue
Strange. Looks like a graphics driver issue.What happens if you assign a hairline to the text, is it the same?The reason I ask is because Draw uses Windows text engine to render pure text, and its own engine when outlines or effects get added.
Thank you. interesting. I tried adding an outline, even setting it as default but no difference to black background other than being able to see the outline due to its colour. Which is handy work around for the minute.
I should add:
I have CGS2022 installed and it works fine in every way. No other issue wioth any other program including all Adobe product, Illustrator, Indesign etc etc
I purchased/installed CGS24 and initially this issue was not happening. However I had a different issue, was having trouble with font management not finding fonts when opening pre-existing files, even though they were installed. Created a support ticket and support suggested the usual, F8 new workspace, clear temp files and do a factory reset. Which I did and that fixed the first problem but created the this new black background issue.... hmmm
I thought I would run another factory reset, run 'appdata' rename Corel folder - but oddly there is no Corel folder in there. Not sure if Im doing something different but Im following the same instructions so... no. Ive sent them this video about it.https://youtu.be/QQGTxQFuyjs
Haven't heard about this before and have no additional ideas how to fix it.If I hear something' I'll let you know.
Has a color been assigned to the frame?
Look here, maybe your application is corfrupt.