Hi All,
Try to make some pearls...
Vector or Raster?
mo said:Vector or Raster?
Mo, can it be a mesh fill powerclipt into a circle?
Or as you know, Jeff mostly comes up with simple solutions.
This is very good question....
For real work, normally I encourage using Photo-PAINT as a partner to CorelDRAW in order to get work done.
In this specific Challenge, I ask that only CorelDRAW be used, since that is what I did here.
Hint: I may have converted some shapes from vectors to bitmaps inside CorelDRAW. ;-)
My pearls spent more time in the polisher. Two larger ones for a closer view. Rose is from the DVD extras.
Is it Ok Jeff, I really Patti's pearls. It's hard to beleive they are vectors.
The idea: each person tries their best... :-)
Aleem Ashraf said:Is it Ok Jeff, I really Patti's pearls.
Since the gauntlet for challenge #3 has already been thrown down, I couldn't resist remarking that no one capture the essence of pearl--"pearlessence"-- as well as Jeff's original. The colours were right, the sheen was spot on...
Having said that, I's an ignoramus when it comes to doing that kind of thing. Everyone's submissions were more than I'd even know where to begin.
Good on ya...
DW said:Having said that, I's an ignoramus when it comes to doing that kind of thing. Everyone's submissions were more than I'd even know where to begin.
It could be instructive for the community if you guys could describe the process by which you achieved your images. That way, new users could not only admire your work, but also learn how to make the best of Draw.
Ah yes dare I sday it? Yes, pearls before swine!!
A great exercise. I'm on vacation and the graphics world can kiss my butt! 10 days of NOTHING!
David Milisock said:I'm on vacation and the graphics world can kiss my butt!
I shot coffee out my nose David, you make me laugh man!
I think that was probably a pearl of wisdom
Chris Wills said:I shot coffee out my nose David,
As I got older I incorrectly assumed life would slow down. NOT! I'll post some images of some recent projects.
this is for now... i'll try to make it shiner next time....
is reading those topics that I see as I am poor!
Magnificent pearls Jeff This is my pearl for now.