Object-group Isolation Feature request

Why hasn't Corel introduced an isolation mode when selecting grouped objects? At times I want to edit multiple objects in a group and I don't want to ungroup. This is where this feature comes into play by simply double clicking onto the group I will be able to isolate it and do my edits.

Corel has already beautifully implemented this feature on powerclip editing. Please extend same functionality to grouped objects.

Parents Reply
  • I also use symbols in my workflow. The requested functionality has also been beautifully implemented on symbols just as they did with the powerclips. Powerful.

    What I mean is quite different. If you convert a group of object on "Symbol" it becomes an isolated group, just as you request.  You could even use the "group" shortcut (Ctrl+G) for convert to symbol then every time you grouped object it will become an isolated group.
