CurveInfo broken

Hello Developer team

We have a CorelDRAW customer highlighting below issue with the  API documentation.


The API documentation needs to be updated.
From my code:
            Type pia_type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("CorelDRAWPE.Application");
            Application app = Activator.CreateInstance(pia_type) as Application;
            app.Visible = true;
            Document doc = app.ActiveDocument;

This line in attached file fails
            app.ActiveShape.Curve.PutCurveInfo(ce, ce.Length);
According to the API documentation the 1st arguement is suppose to of the type CurveElement[] however the actually code says System Array ...
at line 39 of the attached file

More clarifications on the issue:

At line 50 go the attached program, I get the error: {"Object is of
incorrect type to support this operation”}


When I go to the derfnition of PutCurveInfo the 1st argument is defined as
System.Array rather than CurveElement[] … this is true of GetCurveInfo.


The API documentation defines this argument as CurveElement[] and it has
been that way in every version of CorelDRAW except 2021 thru 2023.
Kindly assign to develop queue and provide an update on this issue.
Thanks for your support