
Well once again Corel disappoints. Seriously, how long does this font manager have to be broken before it is fixed? I'm stuck having to use CorelDraw X7 because the font manager on X8 and now 2017 doesn't work. Why am I paying for a subscription? This is useless. Font manager hangs constantly. Worked once to look at my fonts folder and every time since has been "not responding" error. Now i'm unable to install Corel X7 because it says it's installed on too many computers. If Corel is going to track installs, how about tracking the machine ID so that it doesn't think its a new install. I've installed and uninstalled Corel X7, X8, and 2017 trying to get them to work. I've emailed support and they responded only to drop the whole thing all together. The last message from Corel was on 4/26. Does it really take that long to give a simple answer? I need to get this program working or I need to get Corel X7 to install so we can get back to work. Someone from Corel please respond, thank you.

  • Hi Express Press Clw,

    Corel Font Manager is still a mess and has a long way to go. Its going to be a while or probably a few more versions before it is really usable. That's if Corel doesn't dump development like they did on many of their addons in the past. So keep your fingers crossed and just use another font manager. If they improve it, well Hurrah for Corel, else you got no choice but to shrug you shoulders and live with it. Most people in here will tell you, you haven't organized your fonts, or you have too many fonts, or your fonts maybe corrupt and stuff like that. Thing is many other font managers don't have these complaints. Only CFM.

    Now wait.... for the flak.
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