Why does Corel Font manager ignore fonts in a network location?

I keep my fonts in a single folder on network attached storage, which I have mapped to several of my computers (design station, production CNC station, laptop) in my shop. I have to remove and add the folder from Corel Font Manager 2017 every day, for some reason this new version will not just keep looking at a folder, and has no refresh button. 

Its annoying that I have to do this every day to open and use files. I have 1600 font families in that folder, and would rather not install them all to these pcs (which is the point of the font manager). Why did it break? Bitstream was buggy, but it never failed this way. 

Or is this because Corel wants you to pay and download packs of fonts instead of using the ones you have already bought from other sources? 

I bought 2017 because of the graphics tablet add-ons (over-rated and buggy) and hoped memory issues were solved (they were not). Do we have to go class action to get actual fixes and working software?

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