Urgent Help! I have an open file that is frozen - out of memory + other strange warning

Hi there, I've been working on an image for about 4 hours... (PHOTO PAINT X4) The screen is now frozen with a small box saying ''out of memory'' I haven't saved the file for a few hours - oh the pain of it! Can anyone help me? Or has all this work now gone. I now also have this message with no text, does anyone know what it might be and which button I should press!? Or is there some sort of shortcut to save. Thanks in advance.

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  • What operation did you last do? It might be sufficient to press the Esc key to clear the message, and then try to save the file.

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    If that does not work, it may be too late, but if there is anything you can close -- any other program that's displayed on the task bar, including those in the system tray -- you may manage to free enough memory to save the file.

    But some programs need more memory to close them, and others want to pop up a message confirming that you want to close them, which also needs memory. So, try to use programs that are likely to close silently. Firefox may close like this, if you have only one tab open.

    Be careful not to close Photopaint, or to accidentally start a new program instead. A program that's pinned to the task bar may look as if it is running. Try right clicking on its icon. If it doesn't have a Close option, it probably is not open.

    Also do not run the "safely remove hardware" icon if photopaint may have used an external drive.

    When you've closed some programs, select photopaint again and if it still has the message popped up, try to close it with the Esc key. Control-S then stands the best chance of saving without using extra memory, followed by Alt-F4 to quit.


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