painting a rope?


how can I paint a rope that goes throug a ring?

My rope is always behind the ring....

Can you please help me?

  • wrote in message
    > how can I paint a rope that goes throug a ring?
    > My rope is always behind the ring....
    > Can you please help me?

    since you're working in a 2D space, we can only give the illusion of rope
    going through a ring, if you know what I mean.

    If I were to do this, I would want my ring and rope to be two separate
    objects first. Then I'd give each one a clip mask based upon their current
    transparency levels.

    If my rope is on top of the ring, I'd first go to the clipmask of the rope
    and using Black, paint on that portion of the rope that is on top of the
    left side of the ring. This should give the illusion of the rope coming from
    underneath the ring from the left and exiting on top of the ring on the

    You could also just duplicate the rope object or ring object and layer them
    in such a way that you would erase one part of the rope that is on top of
    the ring on one side and still have the other rope object below the ring. I
    prefer the clip mask because if I erase more than I want, I can always
    unerase it later by painting in the clipmask with White. If I use the eraser
    tool, unless I do an Undo soon enough, I would never be able to "unerase" my

    Hunter Elliott
    Featured Instructor
    CorelDRAW Unleashed Conference
    Arizona Grand Resort
    Phoenix, Arizona
    July 9-12, 2008
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