Can you write a small turorial?

CorelDRAW is a great vector graphic app, but there ain't that much free stuff on the web to help people master it.

I've got a small budget to sponsor free tuturials on advanced CorelDRAW techniques, so if you think you can write one we will pay you, but the tuturial will be free for all after that.

There are a few guys selling tuturial out here. Good on you. Not trying to undercut you or something. It's just that some of this knowledge should be free. I definitely won't allow anyone to rip off your work.

Basically, what I'm asking is look at your portfolio. Find a few cool designs that you spent a bit of time mastering and tell us how you did it. We'll help you with making it concise and interesting (subediting). The article will have your name and a link to your portfolio and we pay you a prior agreed sum upon completion, but I wouldn't expect the money to be your main motivation.






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