Text combine


So, i paste some text from windows word (originaly it was a table). But in corel draw texts are grouped. So i ungroup them, and try to combie them, but order of letters has changed! Why is that?

and i notice that every time i try to combine text.... i would understand if one word would be on other place, and corel should straighten text, that is logical. But if text are straighten originaly, i don't see no reason why should corel change letter order...




  • Text combine is a versatile tool for merging and organizing textual information efficiently. Users can seamlessly integrate multiple documents or passages into a cohesive whole, simplifying research and content creation. Whether consolidating reports, assembling articles, or compiling data, Text combine streamlines the process with user-friendly features. For instance, it proves invaluable in tasks like organizing Texas Home Insurance policies or summarizing trends in Texas Home Insurance claims, making it indispensable for professionals in the insurance industry and beyond.

  • Text combination simplifies the merging of multiple texts into cohesive, well-structured content. This tool efficiently blends diverse sources, ensuring clarity and consistency. Whether integrating articles or reports, Text Combine enhances productivity by streamlining the editing process. For businesses like Chauffeur Service London Text Combine optimizes communication efforts, maintaining professional standards across documents. Its intuitive interface supports seamless text integration, making it a valuable asset for anyone striving for polished, unified content.