Who would pay more money to see Photopaint finally get some much needed love?

I've had mixed feelings over several CorelDRAW Graphics Suite upgrades but one thing that to me is always a sad realization is that Photo-Paint seems to have lost it's competitive edge and many who prefer CorelDRAW over Illustrator don't feel the same way when it comes to Photo-Paint vs. Photoshop. I personally still prefer to use Photo-Paint for most applications but the lack of development has forced me to use the other more expensive program more and more and as a dedicated Corel user of over 14 years this makes me really sad. So, i decided to start this discussion of my own personal curiosity to see who like me would be happy to pay a lot more for the full suite and/or upgrade to see Photo-Paint finally wipe off the dust and start to kick-butt again as we all know it can. Or, to see if it would be a worthwhile decision to sell an updated stand-alone of Photo-Paint for those who do not want to switch to Photoshop but understand the need to keep the cost of the suite at an affordable price. I know that this has been tried with a half hearted effort in the past but i'm talking about a real effort to develop and market the product. Also,i think when this was last tried Corel wasn't in a financial position to do this properly. Perhaps Photo-Paint PRO?

So my question are:

1. Would you pay more for the Graphics Suite with an updated Photo-Paint?
2. How much more would you be willing to pay?
3. Should Corel offer different levels of the suite or a stand-alone product?
4. Who would be willing to purchase an updated stand-alone "Photo-Paint PRO"?

This should be an interesting discussion. Thanks to all who participate.