Why are some Properties Boxes dithered?

I've just loaded Corel Website Creator to a second pc -- a dell laptop.  In page view, the Properties boxes are dithered -- see the screen cap below:


I don't see this anywhere else in the program or any other programs.  All other screens in Corel WSC look find.  Can't find any 'options' setup that seem to control this.

Any advise?

Tks, Steve

No Data
  • I reckon it is probably asking for a font that is not installed, or is a "fixed size" font that is only available in another size and is being very badly simulated.

    I'm not sure how you would tell which font it was though, except by comparing the fonts on the two machines.

    It is possibly one of the standard windows fonts, which programs tend to assume are available on all systems. But annoyingly, windows doesn't provide a quick "reinstall base fonts" option.

