No immediate download (after purchase)??

Corel's website claims........

"Download Your Software from Corel and Start Using Your Software Today".


""General Questions about the Corel Store

Why should I buy directly from Corel?

Buy your software from the Corel eStore to enjoy The Corel Advantage:

Start Using Your Software Today

We're the only source for download versions of our products. This means you receive the software instantly and don't have to wait for it to be shipped to you. ""

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unless I am missing something, this claim is false.

I received an invoice, and the money has been withdrawn from my bank.
No other email has been sent to me with a download link. (checked spam folder)

In "My Account" ...Order Status says "Processing".

I did order the box version, but saw no other option, as in "download only version"
Did they forget to mention weekends don't apply ?...possibly ?

There is no option for a "trial" with the X5 Premium (upgrade).

If the "immediate download" does not apply to boxed versions, why don't they state this ?


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  • Freq1_Band said:
    I did order the box version, but saw no other option

    I think that's a limitation of the "Premium" edition.

    If you were ordering the standard X5 you would start at a page like which has a "delivery method" dropdown and the default is "download".

    But if you start at the premium suite page the only delivery option is "box".

    I'm not sure why, but presumably the additional content in the premium edition is material that would be too cumbersome to download ... ???

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