Colour Management in Coreldraw X6 to match X3

Hi Everyone. Before i start a big thank you to all on this site that contribute to peoples problems. I have learnt so much from ready what people have to say. Great work to the entire community, and hope i got be of assistance also.

I have a issue. Moved from coreldraw x3 on 32 bit system to coreldraw x6 on 64 bit system. Totally understand that drivers from xp to win 7 and 32 bit to 64 will be slightly different. That is fine no issue at all. I have a steady understanding of colour, and have set up my screens as well as draw x3 to print very well to offset printers and my internal digital machine. I have used the optimized for professional output selection in draw x3 colour management  and i am really happy with the results i have had for years. In most of my work i use a colour swatch booklet supplied by my printing company that helps me colour match colours more accurately for customers. eg pantone to cmyk. It has also taught me allot regarding colour mixing of colour to achieve accurate colours.

Questions and Help.

1: What are the correct setting in x6 to match x3. Optimized for professional output?
2: Can i export x3 colour management setting to x6?
3: If the above is not accurate, what are the setting to achieve Optimized for professional output in x6?

Your assistance and advice is greatly appreciate. I love to learn more and always have an open mind to learning from someone that understands better then me.

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  • Hello,

    As previously stated, I confirm that you have to start thinking totally different, when coming from X3 to X5 and X6. With X5 and now X6, a totally NEW revwamped colour management arrived. Everything is different. Nothing is as it once was. You have to acknowldege and work fully different.

    With that in mind - welcome to a much better color management system :-)
    You could say that there was no color management in coreldraw and photo-paint prior to X5. Basically.

    X5 and X6 is now fully ICC complient.

    1. The feeling you have of X6 (and X5) being a bit to saturated for you, might be because X3 was NOT fully ICC complient and maybe, I say maybe you are not using the same color profiles in X6 as you used in X3. Your print screen seem to only choose genereics and I havent used X3 or X4 for ages
    2. Have you asked your printer for the exact same Color profile to use? For example if you use CMYK Coated FOGRA 39, is your print shop using the same ICC color profile?
    3. I would not use the simulate color myself, rather if I was you, I would start fully fresh, which you say you like to do. If so, then dont use SIMULATE X4.
    4. Do NOT use uncoated CMYK color profiles if its printed on coated and vice verca. Use the uncoated and coated color profiles. Dont mix these two.
    5. If you use another colour profile than your printer, see to that you download the correct profile and select it in the colour management settings dialog.
    6. If you do not know anything about equipment used or get any color profiles or anything whatsoever from your printer. However stupid that may sound, that could actually happen... Then try using something that is fairly safe, such as Europe prepress settings ISO Coated CMYK or something in that line. BUT BEST AND SAFEST IS TO DEMAND correct info of course.
    7. You could for reference try to use Color Proof Settings Docker. I use it myself when I need a hunch of how things will look like. REMEMBER Soft Proof settings is NOT HARD PROOF. so dont fully relay on it. Use it wisely.





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