Export multiple pages to JPEG files


I have a document with multiple pages. I need each page saved as a separate JPEG file.

I can do this by exporting each page individually, but this is painful - I have 29 pages to export.

Is there any way to export all pages in one step? I would like the JPEG files to be created with the page name as the file name.



No Data
  • I know of one way (sorta - which is a bit better), so let me explain......

    1) Publish document from CorelDraw to PDF.

    2) Open in Corel Fusion, File>select all>export to png.

    3) Done.

    4) PNG is like a jpeg, just better (lossless) and offers transparency too. If it needs to be jpeg, do a batch export from PhotoPaint or whatever software you find easiest.
