Adobe CC vs Corel

I write this message for all corel users. In my company i use corel and i use creative suite cs5 for one year and creative CC for one month. Adobe have a grate products but i think there are a lot of programs and one persone can't use all. I find my corel x4 more quickley than illustrator/indesign cc 64 bit. I spend one day for paginate eight pages with illustrator and three hours with Corel. I studies many hours indesign and illustrator but i think almost people have requirement that adobe promotes, it's only a business move. I hope Corel continue to developer this software with this policy and best each distribution. A good graphic using adobe but does not have the ideas in head will never make big plans!!

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  • I've used Corel since v3 (not X3.. the original 3!) and have also used Adobe products from time to time. I also have CS6 as I thought I might need it when collaborating on other projects with another freelancer I work with regularly.. however, the speed with which I can create a layout or illustration in X6 compared to her working in CS6 is so much faster.

    When we have free downtime, we pick an image or object and race to draw the same thing in Illustrator vs X6.. guess who wins nearly every time :-)

    So much faster that she (my freelancer) is now learning X6 as she is so impressed with it.  She openly admits she never touched Corel in the past as she was told by all her 'Adobe' using pals that your not a pro unless you use Abode products. Total pants in my view!  She has had her eyes opened to the fact the bigger is not always best. 

    I just smile to myself when she finds yet another feature in X6 that just trumps the equivalent function or operation in CS5 or CS6.

    If honest, the only reason I have CS6 is Dreamweaver, and if someone sends me an InDesign file - I did start the think maybe i'm just being biased towards Corel as I have used it for so long... but then I use CS6 and realise why I have stuck with Corel for so long :-)

    And don't get me started in the CC issue..??!! Confused

    I just hope that Corel continues to invest in the product, and in turn it's (very) loyal customer base.

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