Buy a macro and HELP Typhoon Relief American Red Cross

Hi Everyone.

Buy a macro from my site TUESDAY thru THURSDAY and 100% of your purchase price goes to support victims in the Philippines to help with Typhoon Relief.

I will post donation receipt here, and or on the forum Friday so everyone can see how we helped.

Even if you do not need a macro consider it a donation to help, from the Corel Draw community.

I already donated a small amount myself here, as much as I can afford right now and I wish it was more.
I encourage everyone to do so. You can donate as little as 10 bucks. Think about that for a minute and it's a small amount which might buy you a meal or other, but helps the victims tremendously if everyone donates.

Go to TUESDAY until Midnight THURSDAY.

100% of purchase price will go to help typhoon victims in the Philippines on Friday!

Thank you.


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  • HI.

    Bump. Last chance to help the Philippines people and get a macro.

    I give 100% of macro sales until midnight tonight to Red Cross to help Philippines people in their time of need.

    If you cannot use a macro I urge you donate even a tiny amount directly at the Red Cross website here (minimum $10)

    So far $40 has been made to help the cause.


