
My question is about reinstall CORELX6 after format of my computer.

I did purchase coreldraw X6 @ 7 month ago, now i had a problem in my desktop so thinking to buy new or do a FORMAT of present computer.

my question is, does coreldraw allow to use licence key to another NEW computer or same computer after format ?

Can anyone please answer ?

Thank you


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  • Yes if you have a perpetual license. However the workflow of install / uninstall needs to be followed since X6. 

    Keep your self signed in from CorelDRAW. (ensure that the icon on right bottom of status bar is green and NOT red)
    While connected to internet, uninstall the copy from system. (This will reset your install count in your account on Corel Server)

    Next you can either format and reinstall it back on the same hardware OR install it on another machine activate. 

    RAJ07 said:
    my question is, does coreldraw allow to use licence key to another NEW computer or same computer after format ?
