Creating an editable document

I create all of the Spec Sheets for my company but it is a slow process because I have to go back and forth with the people that know the data to make sure that all of the information is populated and correct. I do it all in CorelDraw x6 but nobody else in the company uses it or knows how to do it. What they want is for me to give them a base document (ex .DOC) that they can edit and fill information in on their own. I told them that I do not know of any way. Their reply was that their must be since other companies have hundreds of spec sheets and there is no was that they have a designer create each one. I would think that is why other companies have crappy looking ones.....anyway....... I tried to export as a DOC and see what happens but it is a mess. It uses graphical headers and graphical bullet points. If anyone knows of a way to do this I would greatly appreciate it.


Here is a link to an example


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  • Hello shawn; I would look into getting a Form generating program and do the art in Corel and import it into the Form Gen. The one below was done in Approach a long time ago it can give you a menu dropdown or lets you leave a space to fill in, It will not allow the form to be altered, and it does all the math for you and it will let me send the data to a Invoice or Statement. the Suite was made buy Lotus and was bought out by IBM and allowed to die. ( I run the program on two computers where I person fills the form in and the other person decides on the clients info and that applies the discount and then they print or email it.



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