Export to SVG, transparent bitmaps issues


I have come across a problem with SVG export and I cannot find a solution to it.

We need to export corel design templates to SVG, but our design templates may contain bitmap images.

I know SVG is meant for vector graphics and etc, however this is the requirement we have to deal with.

So, if a corel file has a bitmap, in SVG it comes pretty OK in quality. However, if that image has a transparent background - after SVG export image becomes very bad. I am using PNG.

I have attached the file, that has a problem. Original bitmap was perfect in quality, so this is a clear exporting issue. In addition, if I add a white background to my bitmap - it gets exported well.

Did anyone face this problem before?

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  • Everyone, thanks a lot for your suggestions!

    Document I attached is a sample design I created to show the problem. Yes the letter "a" is a text that I curved and then rasterized. It was just the easiest way to create a transparent bitmap. I am attaching now an original CDR file where the bitmap is of a good quality and is 300dpi. (attached the original cdr now)

    It seems that on SVG export Corel somehow optimizes that bitmap and makes it look pretty bad. Cause if I save that bitmap as PNG separately using Export for Web - i am able to choose various settings and export that bitmap with good printable quality.

    One workaround I have is - export SVG with linked images instead of embedded, and then manually replace created "bad" images with good ones using export for web. This works but it takes time to do this if we have multiple files and multiple bitmaps in them. In addition instead of 1 svg file, i get svg + folder of images - extra level of inconvenience.

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